Name: DARREN HANSON Posted: 4/20/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Sioux falls SD Description: warsaw butterfly tumbler pigeons
Name: Dan Brooks Posted: 4/8/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Description: Wanted male Bartlett's Bleeding heart with DNA pprwk. Thanks
Name: s.f. Posted: 4/6/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: El Paso Tx Description: Hi.
Any Oriental turtle dove breeders out there? they look similar to European turtle doves- except they from Korea or Alaska or Japan.
White pied diamond doves with most white body?
African esmerald spotted doves?
text or email which ever u prefer
Name: Pat Posted: 4/3/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Upstate New York Description: *Archangel Pigeons
*Nicobar Pigeons
Victoria Crowned Pigeons
(do not have to all come from the same person)
Name: Garret Dupper Posted: 4/3/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: colorado Description: I am currently looking for one female Indian Fantail to pair with a male I currently have. Currently open to most colors, so let me know what you have. Thank you!
Name: John B Collins Posted: 3/28/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: South Carolina Description: Looking for the following:
male Senegal doves
female Zebra doves
Tambourine doves
Name: Scott Posted: 3/8/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Maryland Description: In search of Luzon Bleeding Heart hen. Prefer breeding age but would certainly be interested in any hen available. Kept them for years but I’m down to a single male and would really like to began building a new breeding group one pair at a time.
Name: Buzz Lawrence Posted: 3/6/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Bay Area Northern California Description: I am looking for Silkie Doves, (Non flying) white preferred, but will concede any color.
Please call or email
Name: Cindy Posted: 3/6/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Las Vegas NV Description: Wanted one hand tame friendly dove for an inside pet with daily outside time. A young female if possible.
Name: Steve Posted: 3/4/2020 E-mail:Email this poster Location: Los Angeles Description: I have two female Zebra doves so I need a male to swap if you're local.