REFERENCE ONLY: Birds listed have been sold or removed.
Title:Aus Crested Greenwings Bleeding Heart Name: Milissa Good User Review Date: 1/25/2016 Email:Birds listed have been sold or removed Location:Crescent City, California
Have the following Doves available
1.02 Australian Crested. Two are unsexed from last years hatch. !00.00 each. The males is from another source and wasn't fertile here when paired. Age unknown. 50.00
0.1 Greenwing Dove. This hen has a Blue gene and show directional blue color. Last year's hatch and related to the above male, (sibs). 100.00 Pictures of the blue coloring on request.
0.0.1 Luzon Bleeding Heart. 2015 hatch. Looks like a male but not positive? 150.00